gazing at the stars in a dark cold night, uttering sweet words beneath pale moonlight

i have learned that we don't have to change friends, if we understand that friends change. i have learned that something that i do instant,can give a heartache for life. i have learned that it takes years to build up trust, and just seconds to destroy it.

i have learned that i should always leave loved ones with loving words, because  it may be that last time i see them. i have learned that we are responsiable for what we do, no matter how we feel.

i have learned that either u control ur attitude, or it controls you

i have learned that sometimes the people i expect to kick me when im down,will be the one who helps me get up.sometimes when im angry i have the right to be angry,but it doesn't give me to be cruel.

i have learned that just because someone doesn't love me the way i want them too, doesn't mean they don't love me with all they have. i have learn that maturity has more to do with what types of expirences i have had and what i learned from them.

i have learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others, but sometimes i have to learn to forgive myself. just because two people argue, doesn't mean they don't love each other. and just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they love each other.

i have learned that i shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret, because it may change my life forever. i have learned that sometimes the people that i love most in life, are taken from me too soon. 

i have learned that i can't make someone love me. all i can do is be someone who can be loved, and the rest is up to them. i have learned that no matter how much i care, some people just dont care back.

i have learned that i can keep going, long after i think i can't. i have learned that their are people who love you dearly, but just don't know how to show it. i have learned that even when i feel i have no more to give, a friend cries out and i find the srenght to help. 

i have learn that there comes a point when you just love someone. not because they’re good, or bad, or anything really. you just love them. it doesn’t mean you’ll be together forever. it doesn’t mean you won’t hurt each other. it just means you love them. sometimes in spite of who they are, and sometimes because of who they are. and you know that they love you, sometimes because of who you are, and sometimes in spite of it.

It’s easier to be alone. because what if you learn that you need love, and then you don’t have it? what if you like it? what if you shape your life around it, and then it falls apart? can you even survive that kind of pain? losing love is like organ damage. it’s like dying. the only difference is death ends. this? 

this.. this can go on forever. i have learned that our backgrounds and circumstances may have influenced our lives, but we are responsible for who we become

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